Posts Tagged 'Salt'

Super Star!

Last week, I cut my hair. I got bangs and I dyed it. I didn’t think the dye would be all that dramatic… my hair is naturally very dark, but has got lighter with all the sun I got and the fact that I straighten and style it regularly. SO I had Ray (Ray is wonderful by the way, he is now stationed at Hairy Situations on South Congress) color my hair so that it all matched the dark color of my roots. The change was pretty dramatic, and kids are awesome when it comes to change.

Every day, I wait outside to greet the kids when they pull up in the bus. I knew exactly when they all recognized me because the back of the bus (where all my fifth and fourth graders sit) absolutely exploded into chaos. Ten fifth graders immediately started screaming my name and shouting about my hair. They were so loud that the bus driver got angry with them and told them to quiet down. Then the little kids started to pile off the bus. Here are some snippets of things that kids/students have said to me over the last week as they see my hair.

*sneaky voice* “What did you do to your haaaaaair?”

“Miss Cassie, you look gooooood. Did you paint it?”

“You look… different.”

“Wow Miss Cassie! You hair looks nice!”

“Is that Miss Cassie? Miss Cassie?”

My favorite was Henry, he came up to me while I was inside:

“Miss Cassie, with your hair, and your sunglasses, you look, you look, you look like a super star!”

And then the teenagers who all had extremely different reactions. One conversation went a bit like this:

“Why did you change your hair?”
“Because it needed to be trimmed and fixed.”
“It looks really different. It’s dark.”
“I know, it will lighten up a bit after I wash it. Do you like it?”
“Yeah…. I mean…”
“You look like Evelyn Salt.”
“Really? But who looks better?” (Keep in mind at this point I’m just giving him a hard time, he blushed.)
“… You….”

Or then there was the opposite end of the spectrum, which occurred yesterday when I showed up to work wearing my new (and much-needed) glasses, and a black shirt.

“I know!!! She looks like a goth emo kid!!!”

Iiiiiieeeeee think I prefer the Salt one. Heheh. What do you think?

Angelina Jolie as Evelyn Salt      Cas Alexandra


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